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Auto-Mag® Mega Select

Magnetic Beads-Based Reagent for short DNA fragment depletion and size selection of a a High Molecular Weight DNA for Long-Read Sequencing (LRS)

Auto-Mag® HMW DNA Isolation Kit

Kit with modified beads that is designed for extraction of High-Molecular-Weight DNA in the 50 – 300+ kb size range from blood, saliva, or tissue cultured cells samples. The HMW DNA purified with this system is particularly suitable for analysis on long-range genomics platforms including PacBio RSII/Sequel/Sequel II and Oxford Nanopore.

Auto-Mag® Mega Select

Magnetic Beads-Based Reagent for short DNA fragment depletion and size selection of a a High Molecular Weight DNA for Long-Read Sequencing (LRS)

Auto-Mag® HMW DNA Isolation Kit

Kit with modified beads that is designed for extraction of High-Molecular-Weight DNA in the 50 – 300+ kb size range from blood, saliva, or tissue cultured cells samples. The HMW DNA purified with this system is particularly suitable for analysis on long-range genomics platforms including PacBio RSII/Sequel/Sequel II and Oxford Nanopore.


  • Genetic Testing
    Nanomagnetic beads offer efficient, precise genetic material isolation, streamlining purification for accurate and rapid genetic testing.
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  • Agriculture and Environment
    DNA/RNA kits enhance agricultural productivity and environmental monitoring by enabling precise genetic analysis and detection of pathogens and pollutants.
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  • Sequencing Pipeline
    Nanomagnetic products enables precise DNA/RNA extraction, size selection, and clean-up, ensuring high-quality results with greater efficiency than traditional methods.
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